AN ACT OF WORSHIP Most churches include an offering as part of the weekly worship service. As we know, God does not need any of our time or our money. It is we who need to give it. We need to be generous. Offerings are one way to express our generosity and to express our devotion to God in an act of worship. Offerings are one of the ways we respond out of gratitude to God and remain faithful to the mission to which God is calling us. GOD HAS GIVEN US EVERYTHING God is our life, our hope, our future. Offerings to God are one of the ways his people worship and express their thanksgiving for God’s boundless love and grace. WHERE YOUR OFFERING GOES Weekly offerings support the mission and ministry of Salem. Additional offerings are designated by the congregation for local, regional, and global mission projects along with supporting the mission of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. We strive to spread your dollar to ministry opportunities here and around the world in fulfilling the mission of this church. |
If you have not received offering envelopes for 2024 and would like some, please call the church office at 507-373-2184.